Dallas’ Most Immersive Christmas Event
Cancelled for 2024
Unfortunately we are unable to have our production this year. 2024 is cancelled.
You can still watch the movie anytime below.
2024 Cancelled
It has always been our prayer and goal to make The Legacy of Bethlehem the very best experience possible for both the volunteers and the attendees. Unfortunately, with only eight weeks until the event, there are several challenges that have arisen that we believe prevents us from accomplishing this goal. Earlier this week, the elders, staff, and Bethlehem team met in an effort to address these challenges. Simply put, we do not have enough people to make this year’s event a success. After much prayer and discussion, it was the recommendation of the Bethlehem team that in light of these significant challenges, we cancel The Legacy of Bethlehem this year as to not compromise the integrity of the event in the future. The elders and staff are in full agreement with this decision and ultimately believe that it is in the best interest of the church that we cancel the event this year. We understand that canceling Bethlehem this year will not be a popular decision, but the elders, staff, and Bethlehem team strongly believe that it is the right decision for Legacy at this time. I believe that Legacy’s best days are still ahead of her and that God will continue to use Legacy for His glory. We love you all!
– Pastor Ryan, Legacy Baptist Church
Watch the Movie
In 2020, we made a movie instead of having in-person tours. In 2021, we released it again. Now you can watch it anytime right here.